4 Important Reasons To Get Comprehensive Eye Exams From A Vision Care Center

25 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Some individuals do not think about getting eye exams unless they notice changes in their vision or get an eye injury. Routine eye exams should be a part of a healthy regimen. There are different types of eye exams. Visual acuity tests are the type that most individuals are familiar with. It is the test that involves reading a chart that has letters and numbers on it. This is the test that is used to determine if eyeglasses or contact lenses are needed. There are a variety of advantages to getting a more in-depth eye exam. The following points identify a few of them.

More In-Depth Screening

The visual acuity test merely checks to see if an individual has sight issues. Sometimes there is an issue with one eye. Other times both eyes may be affected, but the diminished vision in each eye may differ. The test ensures that eye doctors can prescribe the correct strength of corrective eyewear. However, the test will not detect other issues that could be the cause of changes in vision. 

Identify Changes in Vision

Vision may decline subtly or rapidly. A visual acuity test may not detect subtle changes in vision. However, a comprehensive eye exam is more in-depth. There are a variety of tests that a vision care center uses during a comprehensive exam. They use all of the results to identify subtle changes between exams. The tests can also detect issues with the eyes that could cause future problems. Early detection is essential from a treatment standpoint.

Identify Eye Diseases

There are a variety of eye diseases. Some individuals have eye diseases for a long time and are unaware they exist. Their vision may appear normal to them. Routine eye exams are a viable way to detect diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. These are treatable conditions, and when they are detected in a timely manner, they may be reversible. 

Identify Health Conditions

Conditions such as thyroid disease, hypertension, and diabetes can negatively impact eye health. Comprehensive eye exams can detect signs of these conditions even if an individual is unaware they have them. The nerves in the eyes can yield an early diagnosis, which can be lifesaving. 

A vision care center is a good resource to use to learn the additional benefits of getting comprehensive eye exams. These exams are the best way to identify eye diseases and disorders in a timely manner. Issues that are identified in the early stages may be easier to treat or correct.  

Turn to a vision care center to find out more.